From Vision To Victory, With Esmeralda Baez.

Esmeralda Baez is a Dominican best-selling author, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and music executive. Her recognition as a PR powerhouse and creative media visionary has led to her captaining successful projects across multiple sectors; Such as music, sports, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, finance, real estate and more.

Esmeralda is currently a member of The Recording Academy, Forbes The Culture, and The Mental Health Foundation. Additionally, she is part of the economic and social consultative team of experts for the United Nations, The Project manager for North Star Group and works as the Director of Latin America Communications for Pacific Rim Business Council.

Esmeralda’s presence as an accomplished personality and leader in her industry has garnered much respect across multiple markets and she has been particularly recognized for fostering and inspiring a culture of women’s empowerment and entrepreneurship across these market.

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